How to compare two lists and note the differences between values?
We want to compare List One and List Two against each other in terms of actual sales and estimated sales.
If they are the same then identify the records as "Identical", if the record doesn't exist in the other list then put "NA" and if the record exists and are not the same then calculate the difference between the two values.
Firstly if record exists then either it is the same or the difference is noted:
This Vlookup function searches for SKU 1001 in the table located at F19:G24. If it returns the same value as whats in C19, then the IF function returns 'Same' or it returns the difference.
But we also need to find out if the value exists or if it dos not. this is done usig this formula:
This Match function looks for ' 1001 ' in the column range F19:F24. If it finds 1001, it will returns it's relative row position ,if not it returns N/A
Now bringing it all together, The formula in D19 is
If the Match Function can't find a match For '1001' ,it returns N/A.
This makes the ISNA Function return True, so then the IF function will return ''# N/A' and finish. If the MATCH function returns a relative row number, The ISNA function returns False, and the IF function starts the false part i.e
IF(C19=VLOOKUP(B19,$F$19:$G$24,2,0),"Identical",C19-VLOOKUP(B19,$F$19:$G$24,2,0) as described in Step one.
Note: The ISNA Funtion returns True is it receives N/A as its argument result.