Pivot Tables:
http://www.contextures.com This site in my view is the number one site worldwide for help and solutions to all of your Pivot Table problems. Written by Debra Dalgleish, MVP. Debra is the author of three books on Pivot tables and I would especially recommend all our students and visitors to check out her powerful pivot table […]
Excel Experts
If you need specialist Excel Development work or niche masterclass training, we have put together a list of some of the very best Excel Experts in the world. They are all Microsoft Excel MVP (Most Valuable Professional) . These number less than 125 worldwide and are only awarded by invitation by Microsoft only to those [...]
Excel Resources
We have brought together some great Excel Resources for you to explore. General Excel Sites: Excel Blogs: Excel Functions & Formulas: Pivot Tables: Excel Courses: Excel Dashboards: […]
Excel Tests
Your own Personalized Online Excel Course Get your own personalized Online Excel Training Course to help you learn Excel effectively with your own tutor, personalized study plan and timetable. If you want to learn Excel at your own pace and focus on what you need to know for your own particular job, try our personalized [...]
Offset Function
This article will focus on the use of the OFFSET function and we promise to make you an expert in all tricks related to this useful Function. In it's simplest form,the OFFSET Function returns the value contained in a cell that is a certain number of rows and columns away from a base cell. Sounds [...]
Free online Excel Course : The Excel Essentials.
Free online Excel course. These 4 hrs of video tutorials will help you master the essential skills in Excel